Wednesday, 30 October 2013

ANNA's HEART translations


I wonder what everyone will dress up as~❤


An-san dressed up as her favorite Ariel at the TGC NIGHT


Two good-looking men dressed in SWAT agents appeared on stage to hug the princess (laugh)

I’m heavy, right… (laugh)


Are you really from the SWAT!?
They ended up looking very cool


The live was at its highest too!
All those fancy and cute dresses!!
Thank you


Come to think of it, even manager Koyama-chi was Ariel ❤

Seriously, that’s not good (laugh) ❤

TGC Halloween

It was really fun!!
Because of the excitement, I could barely sleep!
The atmosphere was warm!
I have bags!

Monday, 21 October 2013

Sunday, 20 October 2013

"Shougaku 1-nensei" appearance

Today Anna took part as a judge in the auditions for the child who will make the cover of the children's magazine "Shougaku 1-nensei". During the little press conference that took place, someone apparently asked her about the trial from last week (for the stage play, remember), to which she didn't appear and that will be continued on December 12th. Her one and only answer was just to smile and gestured to zip her lips. So she can't or won't talk about it, which is absolutely normal and people should just wait for an official release. Anyway, don't you think she looks absolutely adorable with dark hair!?

Aujourd'hui, Anna a été juge dans une audition pour élire l'enfant qui fera la couverture du magazine pour enfant "Shougaku 1-nensei". Pendant la conférence de presse qui a pris place, on lui a apparemment posé une question concernant le procès sur la pièce de théâtre, qui a eu lieu il y a une ou deux semaines et se poursuivra le 12 décembre car elle n'y est pas apparue. Sa seule réponse a été de sourire en faisant signe qu'elle ne pouvait ou ne voulait pas en parler. Donc je pense qu'il serait temps qu'on la laisse tranquille, avec ça. Enfin, ce n'est qu'une opinion personnelle. Quoi qu'il en soit, je la trouve vraiment trèèèèèès mignonne avec les cheveux sombres comme ça ! Ça lui va presque mieux que le blond.


Hi everyone! It's been a while. I am sorry for not updating the blog as often as I used too. Because this last year of studies takes me a lot of my personal time, I will not be able to provide you with interview translations anymore. Of course, I will still translate her blog and Anna's Heart and update with her events but that will be all. Also, something important:

Because I have barely enough time and energy to update this blog, I am looking for someone, native French speaker or not, who has enough knowledge in French to translate what I do from Japanese to English. If you're interested to help me, leave a comment or send a mail to this address: This is my personal address so please, no spam.

Bonjour tout le monde ! Je tenais à m'excuser pour les 15 jours passés sans mises à jour. La fac me prend tout mon temps, c'est un peu galère. Donc je ne pourrais plus traduire les interviews comme avant, par contre, je continuerais de le faire pour le blog d'Anna et Anna's Heart (si tant est qu'elle se souvienne qu'elle a un blog, hum...). Ensuite, annonce importante :

A cause de ce manque de temps et d'énergie, je recherche quelqu'un qui ait assez de connaissance en français (langue maternelle ou non) pour m'aider dans les traductions de l'anglais au français. Comme j'ai déjà assez de mal à mettre à jour le blog, j'aurais bien besoin que quelqu'un d'assez généreux s'occupe de traduire en français ce que j'aurais écrit en anglais. Si ça vous intéresse, laissez un commentaire ou contactez-moi à l'adresse suivante : C'est mon adresse personnelle, donc on évite le spam, s'il vous plait. 

Friday, 4 October 2013

ANNA's HEART translations

My Angels

On the interview page for Parade's clothes, the children were in high spirits!

I was in the magazine Mama Maria with the children ❤
The photographer was Ninagawa Mika-chan!

Simba turned up to be very energetic, but Mika-chan took me carrying him laughing and sweating (laughs)

Sky is also a full-fledged model

I really treasure shooting with the kids ❤

Two angels changed An-san's life, and taught her the meaning of happiness ❤

During the shooting, the daughter of my sister also came with the kids, it became a free spot and even the adults were smiling ☺

I'm glad a lot of people smiled when looking at this magazine ❤❤❤❤

By the way! New clothes will be arriving in Parade soon

This t-shirt was made by hand by An-san ❤
I'm very happy because I was able to make it ❤

My angels participate too! I'm looking forward to it ☺