Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Happy Birthday Anna ♥

Today March 11th, Anna is celebrating her 30th birthday! We want to wish her a happy birthday, both with those messages here and with our messages on Anna's Heart! It's for her birthday that she decided to release her mini-album called Sugar Palm that, from what I heard, is great. I will receive mine in no time. Can't wait! Her special 30 years old tour starts today as well. The first concert was in Blue Note Tokyo and fans said it was wonderful. I need to say that, thanks to Anna, I was able to keep on smiling day after day without failing. But thanks to her music, I could also meet new and adorable people such as Benjamin (who wrote the following French message), Natalia (@annanolotus), Saku, Alice, Judit, Sara and Maïlys (whom I don't forget ❤︎). Thank you, Anna. Thank you for being such a beautiful human being!

But let's not forget that today was not only Anna's birthday but also the third anniversary of the Great Earthquake shaking Japan and destroying Fukushima and the surroundings. So please, tonight, pray for the victims, the families and everyone who was concerned, directly or indirectly, by the earthquake and the tsunami. Anna's album is dedicated to those people to whom she would like to bring back their smile with her singing. Also, for those who are still on March 11th in the world, please, you need to do something. For each time you will type 3.11 in Yahoo Japan, they will donate 10 cents to Tohoku! Please support Japan in helping to recover those areas and people that were affected by this disaster. It takes TEN SECONDS and helps people. ❤︎


 Aujourd'hui Anna fête ses 30 ans ! Carine et moi voulions lui souhaite un joyeux anniversaire ! 30 ans, ce n'est pas rien ! N'oublions pas qu'Anna a décidé de sortir son mini-album Sugar Palm aujourd'hui (attention spoilers : J'adore Sugar Palm)  et de faire une tournée exceptionnelle pour fêter ses 30 ans avec tous ses fans. De ce que j'ai pu lire du concert d'aujourd'hui, il était à couper le souffle. Pour ma part, Anna m'a apporté beaucoup -surtout des fous rires, mais passons ♥- (et de rencontrer Carine aussi. Anna, je t'en remercie !).

N'oublions pas que ce jour n'est pas seulement l'anniversaire d'Anna. C'est aussi le triste anniversaire des 3 ans du désastre au Japon. Nous n'oublions pas, bien sûr, les victimes, les familles des victimes et pensons aux disparus et aux enfants touchés par cette catastrophe. Malgré ça, Anna a décidé de redonner le sourire aux victimes, comme elle le pouvait, c'est-à-dire en chantant. L'album Sugar Palm leur est spécialement dédié. PETIT MESSAGE AUX FRANÇAIS DE FRANCE : le dernier homme de Fukushima, Matsumura Naoto, se trouve aujourd'hui à Fessenheim, en Alsace, ou à Strasbourg. Si vous vivez dans le coin, n'hésitez pas à aller le voir et à écouter son histoire.

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